30th Anniversary Donation from the Wrigley Company Foundation — Foundation for Environmental Education

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30th Anniversary Donation from the Wrigley Company Foundation

30th Anniversary Donation

In recognition of the 30th Anniversary of the Wrigley Company Foundation, FEE was privileged to be awarded a generous donation of $300,000 USD. In collaboration it was agreed to spend the grant on three strategic objectives of FEE.

Firstly, it will be used to develop the inaugural Global Forest Fund which is a unique non-profit tool on the carbon offsetting market. The fund not only accounts for harmful carbon emissions through tree planting activities, it does so in conjunction with environmental rejuvenation and awareness initiatives which improve the environmental literacy of communities worldwide.

Secondly, the grant will serve to expand FEE’s geographical reach. It will help establish the first Emerging Eco-Schools Fund which aims to provide countries in Sub-Saharan Africa with better opportunities to join and implement the Eco-Schools programme, both through financial support as well as collaborative activities within the global FEE network. 

Thirdly, the grant will serve as an important investment in FEE’s capacity to communicate. It will allow FEE to develop its abilities to transmit the work of the organisation throughout the world and to bring a myriad of success stories into the light.

Daniel Schaffer, CEO of the Foundation for Environmental Education, notes:
"We are very thankful for this award from the Wrigley Company Foundation and for their recognition of the importance of these areas. The grant will help increase our impact significantly in the future."
