Indian Ocean States Become FEE Members — Foundation for Environmental Education

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Indian Ocean States Become FEE Members

In 2017, four new countries from the Indian Ocean States (Mauritius, Madagascar, Comoros, and Zanzibar) joined the network and became FEE members in line with the FEE strategy to increase our involvement with small island nations and developing countries.

FEE’s CEO, Daniel Schaffer, visited the Indian Ocean States earlier this year and met with various organisations which are addressing the issue of environmental education. With funds from the EU and support from the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) there has been great work and commitment by everyone involved in the programmes and there is hope that the programmes will expand in the near future. An example of great success is Mauritius. Reef Conservation, FEE’s member in Mauritius, that has already reached an amazing 25% of schools participating in the Eco-Schools programme in just over two years.

Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius and Zanzibar are implementing FEE’s Eco-Schools programme in their regions, however FEE is very committed to introducing all five programmes to these countries. During his visit, Daniel Schaffer presented not only the Eco-Schools, but also the Learning About Forests (LEAF) and the Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) programmes to the Ministry of Education and other organisations in Mauritius. It should be noted that some hotels in Mauritius have already registered on the Green Key programme and some are the first in the country to receive the Green Key award.

FEE realises that a common issue that numerous African and Indian Ocean members are facing is the insecurity concerning finding the necessary funds for FEE membership and for implement the programmes. Thus, FEE is working towards seeking funding for those countries while hoping that this kind of support will allow more countries to apply for FEE membership and will secure the implementation of FEE’s programmes in those regions.

To find out more, please follow our CEO’s blog on his latest visit to the Indian Ocean States here.

