Press Release: Launch of New FEE Academy Course for Teachers in Partnership with the Office for Climate Education — Foundation for Environmental Education

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Press Release: Launch of New FEE Academy Course for Teachers in Partnership with the Office for Climate Education

April 11, Copenhagen, Denmark: The Office for Climate Education (OCE) in partnership with the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) launches an innovative online free course to help teachers learn effective ways to teach climate change.

Hosted on FEE’s online learning platform, FEE Academy, the online course “Climate Change Education: From Knowledge to Action” was created by the OCE to help primary and middle school teachers to develop solid scientific knowledge and useful pedagogical skills to tackle climate change in the classroom.

An online project to create an international community of teachers.

One of the objectives of this course is to allow teachers to access scientific and pedagogical content on climate change 24/7 and free of charge at their convenience. Massive Open Online Courses, (or MOOCs) on the topic of climate change are increasingly being developed, but few address the issue of climate education. The purpose of this online course is to function as a tool to create a global community of practitioners, gathering teachers, educators and scientists together to facilitate experience sharing. The worldwide dimension of the course is at the heart of the project with examples of classroom practices collected from the OCE’s network of partners, including FEE’s Eco-Schools.

Diversified pedagogical approaches to empower teachers in their training.

This online course, designed by experts in climate science and pedagogy, presents a diverse range of scientific and pedagogical tools about climate and weather, the greenhouse effect, the links between climate and ocean, and the impacts of global warming. It integrates the topic of climate into a wide variety of lessons based on various educational approaches such as videos, document analysis, serious games, demonstrations and quizzes. This course aims to help teachers become familiar with new active learning pedagogies and inspire them to implement actions in the classroom through the use of enquiry and project-based learning pedagogies.

A self-paced learning mode adapted to teachers' schedules.

Registration to this online course gives unconditional access to the platform, which includes resources available anywhere and anytime. The asynchronous course has been designed to adapt to teachers' schedules and workloads, as each user can follow the training process at their own pace.

The course will be a great support in realising the goal under UNESCO’s lead Greening Education Partnership - Training all school leaders and at least 1 teacher per school will have been trained on how to integrate climate education into teaching and learning throughout the school.

The MOOC “Climate Change Education: From Knowledge to Action” is now accessible on the FEE Academy platform in English, click on this link to enrol:

About the OCE:

The Office for Climate Education (OCE), is a centre under the aegis of UNESCO created at the initiative of La main à la pâte and the climate scientists community (the founding members are IPSL, Météo et Climat, IRD, Météo-France and Sorbonne University), which aims to promote climate change education in France and around the world. The OCE produces educational resources for teachers and students, through international cooperation between scientific bodies, NGOs and educational institutions.

About FEE:

The Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) is one of the world’s largest Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) organisations, with over 100 member organisations in 80 countries. With a network of over 60,000 educational institutions, the Eco-Schools, Learning About Forests and Young Reporters for the Environment programmes empower young people to create an environmentally conscious world through experiential, project-based learning. The Green Key and Blue Flag programmes are globally recognized for promoting sustainable business practices and the protection of natural resources. With over 40 years of impactful experience in ESD, FEE’s strategic plan, GAIA 20:30, prioritises impactful action across all five programmes to address the threats of climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental pollution.

Press contact:

Djian Sadadou - Communications Officer ( +33 7 49 95 69 93)

The launch of this MOOC is made possible thanks to the support of our partners: ADEME, Fondation Prince Albert de Monaco, SIEMENS Stiftung, Fondation Ginkgo, Fondation Luciole, Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports, Fonds Français pour l’environnement mondial, Sorbonne-Université, IPSL, IPCC, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and AXA.
